Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm torn! What is your reason?

I am having a tough time deciding if this blogging @#$% is making me a better person or if it is really just a waste of time. There have been times that it has taken time away from my little girl and really anything constructive. And that alone is a shame!!!! So as the pressure builds to do a new post, I have to admit I may need some time to decide. I have often been curious as to why people even blog in the first place. I am still trying to make sense of mine! My belief is that it is a big world of bragging. Who has the better friends, better car, the best dad and husband, the bigger house, the best clothes, and not to mention kids that never get out of hand!. I must shamefully admit that I am guilty of it too. It is truly embarrassing that blog stalking has become a favorite past time of people everywhere. Pretty sure that I sound like a Debbie downer, but let me assure you that this is not the case. I am just trying to find some reason to all this madness. So please feel free to leave your insight, I really want to know your reason for blogging. Even if you are a stalker. And just to clear the air, my husband is the best, my marriage is successful, my little girl is everything I hoped for, and we are blessed! Can I get a hell ya!


Elly said...

Peirce you crack me up. Well I just look at blogging as to keep those that I don't talk to everyday updated with what is going on in my life. So keep up with it. Oh, and by the way congrats on the successful life. Hell Yeah!!!

Tuttles said...

I blog because my entire family is across the country and it helps them keep up with what's going on with me. And I think it's fun. AND I STALK YOU ALL THE TIME!

Two Wheeler said...

I do it mostly for a partial journal because I suck at writing in a journal otherwise. Oh, and we don't have any of the things you listed, no bigger house, no better car, no better clothes, and a "none" on the kids front either... so I don't know why we blog :-)I guess it's kind of my own little Hyde Park soap box.

Wildings said...

That's funny, I was just thinking all of this before I linked to your blog. I'm still asking myself these questions. I'll have to get back to you on this one!

Elisa said...

I knew you wouldn't last! lol. Just kidding. I think pretty much everyone feels that way about blogging Tiff. It's our own online scrapbooks that make our lives look more glorified then they really are. I blog because I ENJOY doing it. I love writing in my journal, so it's an outlet for me, and I love photography so its a good place to put it. I also have family and friends all over and I'd never keep in touch with them any other way. I also don't have the better car, the better house, the nice clothes, or the calm child, so maybe my blog is my way to focus on the good stuff and let go of the day by day crap.

Katie said...

Oh Tiff...for many months all I did was bolg stalk and I decided that if I was going to spend this much time on the computer I might as well be doing my own blog to show off my perfect life: children, house, car, clothes. Pretty much everything except my husband (that is why I haven't posted anything about him yet) HE HE HE. Please don't leave the blogging world. Then how in the world would I stalk you???

Destiny Rayburn said...

I blog because I have too many friends and family spread all over the United States and I hate talking on the phone. It's a fun and easy way for us to keep in touch. As far as blog stalking goes, you know where I stand on that, it is very creepy to me and unless I know the person I don't care what's going on in their life.

Debbie said...

Tiff I am really sorry that our blog "keeping up with the jones's" is making you feel so bad. Is that why you refer to it as a "Debbie downer?" I blog to keep a journal of our sweet life because I know once we have kids I will be totally depressed and I will have something to look back on and see how kick a@% my life was, and then I will remember in 18 years I can have that sweeeeeet life back. Hopefully that will get me through the years of raising kids.

Debbie said...

Tiff, sorry to comment again but..... What do you mean taking time away form your kid? Don't you post once a month?


You know I love to bug you.

jarv said...

Hell Yeah! I know what you mean sometimes looking at blogs is so addicting and I tell myself I am only going to look for 30 min and before you know it two hours have gone by and I think to myself what a huge waste of time. I could have done so many other productive things. Sometimes I take a break from looking at blogs because everybody's "perfect"lives make me depressed. On the upside I love blogs because you can see what everyone is up to and I love looking at pictures, which I would probably never see if nobody had a blog. I don't know why I have a blog, sometimes it's just fun to post about the good things in life.

{lizzythebotanist} said...

you should give the "anderson suckfest; 20 ways i suck" post a try. it's quite refreshing!

blogging definitely can drive me crazy at times, but i've learned to just be real on my own and then who cares about the rest. maybe they'll catch on, maybe they won't. but either way i won't feel bad about mine. of course, i'm on welfare and have nothing to brag about-but if i did...

Natlee Lloyd said...

Maybe that's why I don't post very often, cause I don't have a perfect life:)